It wasn’t that long ago that I was lamenting the absence of LINE Messenger on the iPad. It’s the one app that my family uses for group chatting, and it was one of the few things that tethered me to my iPhone at home or at coffee shops, when I would rather have just replied from the iPad.
However, unbeknownst to me, LINE for iPad was released almost a week ago. It’s not as full-fledged as the iPhone LINE app, but that’s really okay by me. That app has far too much going on inside of it anyway. I don’t need timelines or games or extra editing suites built into my messaging app. I just want to talk to my family and send stupid stickers (but not through the Facebook Messenger app, because my dad isn’t on Facebook at all).
LINE for iPad doesn’t do anything terribly original. It’s got an extra-wide sidebar that can look a little strange when you’ve only got one chat going (as I do), but that doesn’t matter much. I just turn the window to full-screen and revel in the glory of stickers and stupidity that is my family chat.
There is one other way in which LINE for iPad is optimized for the tablet, though: the option to have the Enter key become the “Send” button. This is a godsend if you use an external keyboard often, and it’s something I’m surprised that iMessage still has absolutely no option for.
But, in truth, the only thing I’m really trying to say is that my main complaint is gone. LINE is now truly cross-platform support as far as I’m concerned. It was out for the Mac, PC, iPhone, Android, and now, at long last, the iPad.
© Thomas for iPad Insight, 2014. |
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